Templar Castle

September 8, 2017 0 Comments


Today I rode downhill for the whole day. Some of the day was very steep in loose shall.  I walked some of it. Mum took my bike, she rode it down some parts of the hill with her backpack on. It looked funny!

Tonight we stayed at Ponferrada. There was a big castle there. It is a 12th century Templar castle. From the castle you could see the markets they were on for 4 days. The markets were selling food, clothing and had games.


There was holes in the wall. The long section you could use bow and arrows through. Other bits had circles so you could use cross-bow or muskets.


There was a muesum area. The knights wore chainmail under a white coat with a red cross


There was a cannon these would be used the protect the castle.


They had templer flags around the castle.


There was a tower I climbed up. The sun was setting.

Dad arrived tonight we are so excited!

By Finn

September 6, 2017
September 9, 2017
