Old Town Vieille Ville – Nice

October 13, 2017 0 Comments

We stayed in Nice 5 nights. Today we went to the markets. There was a flower market then a fruit and vegetable market. I saw a stand with seafood on it with fish heads.


Mum got lots of food to cook our meals back in the place we are staying.

Behind the markets is lots of little alley ways. There is lots of cafes, little shops, ice cream shops, and small restaurants.

Next to the old city had a small hill. On top of the hill was a lookout, cemetery, man made waterfall, play park, and old ruins of the fort.


On top of the mountain you could see the city of Nice. You could see the old town section and the newer area. It was divided by a long park that went for 6 town blocks. The long park had a fountain area, play park, grass, trees and a statu.

On the over side of the hill you could see Nice Harbour. The boats in this harbour were smaller than at Monarco.


There was a lift from the top of the mountain back down to the street. There was a sundial. I got to tell the time with it.


We went for a swim in the afternoon. The beach is not sand it is large grey rocks. Like river rocks. Swimming was so much fun. We were swimming in the area called the French Rivera in the Mediterranean Sea.


For Paul’s birthday dinner we went out to a seafood restaurant. We had seafood paella. In the paella was prawns, mussels, pippi’s, squid and rice.


We did not have a cake tin to cook a cake. Grace on the iPad has a cake making app. Grace made Paul a cake with a monkey on it and lots of candles and lots of sprinkles. We all sang happy birthday!

By Finn

October 14, 2017
