Mountain H20

March 22, 2020 0 Comments

Carved into the mountainside above the Upper Yarra Valley at Warburton is the O’Shannassy Aqueduct Trail. The trail follows an historic, now-disused open water race, built between 1911 and 1914 to channel fresh water from a weir on the O’Shannassy River to Silvan Dam. The water was for the people that lived in east Melbourne.

Dad, Paul and I set off along the O’Shannassy Trail. We were unsure how good the track would be. It might be a great ride or it might end up a long walk back to town!

It was a great ride along a dirt track and then a steep drop down back into the town. Dad and Paul thought it was so good they got up early the next morning to ride another section of it.

By Finn

March 22, 2020
