Language no barrier

August 5, 2017 1 Comments

The train pulls into St Jeans Pied de Port, France. The statement, ‘Are we there yet?’ finally has an end point after 48 hours travel from Australia.

On booking into the cosy family run Beilari Albergue, Grace discovers Alhi.  Alhi is the daughter of the albergue owner and she is only 4 days older than Grace. Very quickly the girls realise they can’t understand what each other is saying. Alhi’s mother explains to Grace that Alhi only speaks French.

Alhi quickly shares her toys and a new friendship is formed.

In the evening we head off to stroll the streets and alley ways of St Jeans Pied de Port …. and of course Alhi joins us.


1 Comment

  1. Reply

    Paul Taylor

    August 6, 2017

    Quand vous quittez st jean pied de port …… n’oubliez pas la grâce
    In English…… don’t forget to take Grace when u leave