Day 26 Reliegos to Leon

September 2, 2017 0 Comments

Today we leave Reglos and head to Leon. The albergue isn’t open for breaky so we have 6.2 km to quick step for our first coffee and hot chocolate for the day.

As I’m in desperate need of coffee we catch up to Anton quickly. Anton is happy to see Grace and takes her hand and off they walk. There is constant chitter chatter between them!

We reach Mansilla and find the only cafe open … and two coffees are quickly consumed. We farewell Anton as he can walk much faster than us. We are sad as we hug him goodbye as we may not pass him again on the Camino. Anton tells us as he hugs he doesn’t like goodbyes after his wife past away. We all part quickly before a few tears roll down our face.

Grace has voted that the ALSA bus should be caught to Leon! As we read the guidebook it notes to avoid the outer Leon suburbs an option is catching the local bus. Grace is beyond excited!

We arrive in the beautiful city of Leon! Book in and off to find lunch. Along the way to the foodie street, Penny points out a market place and we gather cheese and freshly cut jamon, tomatoes and a big crusty baguette. Well that’s lunch sorted!

We visit the gothic Leon cathedral and I am amazed by the beautiful lead lighting in massive windows. The cathedral is nearly completely lite with natural light.

Tonight we stroll around the streets with the vast majority of menus in Spanish only, so making it a little harder to know exactly what I’m ordering.

Weather – 25oC
Albergue – Muralla Leonesa

September 2, 2017
