Day 25 Bercianos to Reliegos

September 2, 2017 0 Comments

Julia walks us to the outskirts of the village and off we set.

I eagerly await the sunrise and hope that it’s always something I can capture on my camera. Family and friends that know me are very aware I’m far from a morning person. So the thought of capturing the sunrise on my camera is a bonus I look forward to.

The track to Reliegos is tree lined and it goes on and on and on!

I don’t stop for lunch today, I feed grace in the pram and continue on as the weather is getting quite warm again. The town today feels like it was never going to appear. Then over the rise there it was!

Tortilla and a dirty coke for lunch!

Pen and Taylor arrive we head to be Elvis Bar. Inside we find a very cheery man playing loud Beatles music. The whole bar has writing on every surface inside and out. He hands Grace’s texta’s. Grace has been know for her art on numerous walls at home and at Nanna’s and Poppy’s. Today Grace is excited as she can draw on the wall without having to scrub it off in tears!

We meet Anton for beers and discover more about his amazing life restoring ships in Holland and more about his Camino adventures.

Weather – warm 30oC after storms
Albergue – Gil
