Day 24 Ledigos to Bercianos

September 2, 2017 0 Comments

Today 28 km! Long, hot, flat! We have only small about of money between us all and searching for an ATM. We are hungry hippos and thankful we find a cafe that takes a credit card.

The lady thinks we are weird for asking for lots of cheese on our baguettes. She tells me it’s to strong, Spanish don’t eat that much cheese!

As I push the pram toward the Albergue, a young man comes out greeting me with a cold glass of water. We then meet Julia who is volunteering her time for 3 weeks at this Albergue from Australia. Nothing sounds so great than hearing our Aussie accent. Instantly I am hugged and welcomed in and fused over! I even insisted I could put my own pillow case on.

After all the pilgrims settle they take us as a group to the local supermarket. A tiny sweating hot little store. We gather food for the next days hike, water, Grace buys her own roll on deodorant, and out of the corner of my eye I see cold cans of beer. Roadies are purchased and drank between the shop and the local bar around the corner.

Tonight we join for the communal dinner and what an fantastic night of delicious food, music, laughter and stories. Following dinner we all sit outside in a big circle and candle passed around, you could chose to reflect on your journey so far or reflect in silence as the candle passed. The young local priest passes around the circle on completion, blessing us all. A truly beautiful evening spent with some many familiar faces that make doing this Camino so worthwhile.

Weather – warm 30oC
Albergue – Bercianos del Real Camino
