Day 10 Villamoyer to Loc Arcos

August 15, 2017 0 Comments

Off we set at 0630 from Villamoyer heading to Los Arcos to avoid walking later in the heat.

Along the way Grace and I were passed by a Germany girl. She instantly stopped and was excited to share with me that a year ago she walked this same track with a similar pram and her 5 year old. She offered Grace a German lolly in a shell and wished as all the best.

Great timing into the village of Los Arcos as the yearly town festival was as about to begin. We filmed some of it to send home to Finn.

Tonight the village cafe alive even more with the running of bulls. All the shop fronts, and alley ways were barracked off. Locals and no doubt some pilgrims were out amongst the bulls.

The Spanish festival finishes at 0530 and the music ceases … my alarm goes off at 0600!

Weather: Storm clouds, but thankfully only 5 drops of rain!

Distance: 12km

Albergue: Isaac Santiago Municipal hostel
