Browsing Category


  • The Stick

    October 3, 2017

    Yesterday I found a perfect stick to be my walking pole. On the Portuegese Camino I am not riding a bike, dad and I…

  • Football Match

    September 30, 2017

    Soccer in Europe is called football.

    In a tapas cafe tonight in Seville we were watching the football it was Seville FC play MRB.

    MRB is…

  • Dining Out

    September 29, 2017

    Bar, table and outdoor service!
    In Spain (and Dad told me the rest of Europe) when you go to a Tapas Bar it costs extra…

  • Alcazar of Seville

    September 27, 2017

    We visited the Alcazar in Seville, Spain. The word Alcazar means Royal House or Room of the Prince. It was built by Moorish Muslim…

  • Bullfighting

    September 24, 2017

    In Spain they have a tradition of fighting bulls!
    In Pamplona the running of the bulls is in July each year. You can run with the…

  • Segovia Aquaduct

    September 23, 2017

    The aqueduct transported water from the Rio Frio river which is 17 km up in the mountains.

    Built in the 1st Century AD. The water…

  • Suckling Piglet

    September 23, 2017

    Dad and I caught a bus to a town just out of Madrid called Segovia.  Segovia is an old Roman town and was once…

  • End of the World

    September 21, 2017

    The name Finisterre,  comes from the Latin finis terrae, meaning “end of the earth”. In Roman times it was believed to be the end of…