Camino Frances

· The Way of St. James ·

July 19, 2017 14 Comments

In less than two weeks mum and Grace are off to Spain to begin the Camino Frances. I will be flying later with dad and we will catch up to them on mountain bikes. I am in year 2 and I will be missing some school time. My teacher Mrs Williams said I could write a blog whilst I am away.

This is my first blog, I hope you will follow my trip.

Finn: What is the Camino?

Mum: The Camino is a pilgrimage to the city Santiago de Compostela. Pilgrims have been walking the Camino de Santiago for centuries, following the many paths as you can see on the map below, to Santiago de Compostela and the tomb of St James. Our first Camino will be the Camino Frances also known as the “Way of St. James”.  The official distance is 775 kilometres from Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port to Santiago de Compostela.



  1. Reply

    Sue Hatton

    July 23, 2017

    Hi Finn and Grace,
    Thanks for taking me with you on your travels.
    The page looks fabulous and I’m really looking forward to daily updates.
    I don’t know about you but I’m getting excited!
    I’ll make sure Nanna Sue gets to see all your comments and photos,
    Happy and safe travels.
    Love Sue in Ashford.

  2. Reply

    Mark Palaitis

    July 23, 2017

    Finn and Gracie
    What a great idea. Good luck on your adventure. Kel and I will follow with great intetest.

    • Reply


      July 25, 2017

      Wish I was doing it on a motorbike not a mountain bike!

  3. Reply

    Aunty Ky

    July 24, 2017

    Can’t wait to see all the photos and read about your trip Finn. Xx

  4. Reply


    July 24, 2017

    Keep us up to date mate. Enjoy a great trip👍

    • Reply


      August 4, 2017

      Thanks Troodie!

  5. Reply

    Jason Pattison

    July 24, 2017

    Je besoin faire un pipi.

  6. Reply

    Mick B

    July 25, 2017

    That’s unreal Finn. Don’t go to fast on your mountain bike. Remember your dad is very unfit and won’t keep up. Jude said good luck on your adventures/

    • Reply


      July 25, 2017

      That made me laugh Mick. Hello Jude!

  7. Reply

    David Taunton

    July 26, 2017

    Hi Finn, my wife and I are walking the Camino in April 2018 and would love to see you photos. We look forward to hearing about your adventure. Have fun.

  8. Reply

    Ian Hanna

    July 26, 2017

    What an adventure you and your family are about to embark on. Looking forward to reading all about it Finn.

  9. Reply

    Angus McGregor

    July 26, 2017

    Hi Finn,
    I am looking forward to reading about all the things you see on your ride. It sounds like fun.

    • Reply


      July 30, 2017

      Thanks Angus

  10. Reply

    Jenna Robinson

    July 26, 2017

    Have an awesome time Finn! Looking forward to reading your blog and hearing about your adventures with your family! Jenna (mums work friend)