Day 7 Zariquiegui to Puente La Reina

August 12, 2017 0 Comments

Today we wake early knowing the weather is still very hot and we have a few hills in front of us today.

Just in case we all haven’t walked enough, Pen realises she is missing her favourite water bottle and returns to find it. However the long walk back is met with frustration as someone else has accidental picked it up thinking it was theirs! This adds to our second lost item!!!

On the way up the mountain, Grace and I stop to write in the sunflowers. We write -an “F” in one for Finn. Both Grace and I stand there hugging in tears as we miss Finn so much!

We reach the top of the mountain and the view was totally worth the climb. The jet boil is out and a cuppa is made!

A sharp decent follows!

Tonight we stop at a hotel that has an albergue attached. The staff are very friendly and food was great!


Weather – hot 35oC
Albergue – Jakue
