Adventure begins!

September 2, 2017 1 Comments

Cars, planes and trains …

Arrived at Barcelona Airport. We then caught a train to Barcelona Saints Train Station. After eating lunch we went to see if we could find a soccer store. I tried on a kids large it was perfect as it would fit my mum as well!


We then went to Platform 3 and waited for our very fast train to arrive. This train would take us from Barcelona to Pamplona. The train traveled at 240km/hr. Out the window of the tram was lots of farms.

We arrived at Pamplona Railway Station and mum and Grace were waiting for us.

We booked into the Pamplona Municipal Albergue, made our beds, and then went to Eat tapas!


By Finn

September 1, 2017
September 2, 2017


1 Comment

  1. Reply

    Paul Taylor

    September 2, 2017

    What a great start to your adventure….. all u need now is a bike . I’ll see if I can find one