Camino Credential

August 31, 2017 2 Comments

I have filled my first Camino credential!

I got my stello stamps from churches, albergues, bars, cafes … and more cafes!

My favourite stello stamp is the witch stamp. I got this stamp at a cafe in Espinal. The stello stamp is a flower, it has a sunflower in the middle and thistles poking out as petals.

Often you see dried sunflowers and thistles  above house doorways. We were told these are placed above doors to keep the witches out!

Mummy said I’m a bit of a witch some days and maybe I need a sunflower on my bedroom door at home!

By Grace x




  1. Reply

    Sue Hatton

    August 31, 2017

    Well done Grace!!
    Such an awesome effort to travel so far.
    I hope you’re having fun and learning new things along the way.
    Love Sue

  2. Reply

    Edna Tingle

    September 1, 2017

    Well done Grace to you and mum bet you have lots of exciting things to tell us at the centre about your great achievement. Enjoy the rest of your holiday….😎