Camino … what is it?

July 19, 2017 0 Comments

Finn: What is the Camino?

Mum: The Camino is a pilgrimage to the city of Santiago de Compostela, in Spain. Finn the journey can be religious … it can be whatever you want it to be. Pilgrims have been walking the Camino de Santiago for centuries.  The map below shows the many paths you can take.

Our first Camino path will be the Camino Frances also known as “The Way of St. James”.  The Camino Frances starts in St Jean Pied de Port and ends in Santiago de Compostela, which is 775 km without detours or wrong turns!

Finn: How are we doing this?

Mum: Finn you will be with people from all over the world, all doing their own camino, some slow, some fast … walking, riding a mountain bike, by horse or even by donkey. I am going to push your sister in cousin Lee’s jogging pram. Grace is the 5th child to use this pram as Lee and I have jogged and walked with you all in it over the years. Grace will need to walk some parts of each day, as I don’t want to push your sister the whole way across SPAIN! Finn, you will be riding a mountain bike with dad.


Finn: How will we know which way to go?

Mum: There are yellow arrows and scallop shell symbols along the path, they point us in the right direction to Santiago. The scallop shell is found on the beaches of Spain and has become the symbol of the Camino de Santiago.



Finn: Where will we sleep?

Mum: We will be staying in backpackers, in Spain these are called albergues.


Finn: What is the pilgrim passport?

Mum: The pilgrim passport is a credential card you carry and each day you get it stamped. You can get it stamped at lots of places; albergues, cafes, churches and museums. Finn and Grace you need to take good care of your pilgrim passport, so you can present it at Santiago to receive your compostela.



Finn: What is the compostela?

Mum: The compostela is a certificate given to pilgrims on completing the Camino. To earn this you need to walk a minimum of 100km or 200km on a bike.

