Yachts, Formula One & Palace

October 12, 2017 0 Comments

On Wednesday we went to Monaco. We had to get a train there. It was a quick trip from Nice.

Monaco is a small country. Monte Carlo is the captain of Monaco. It is a tiny little country on the hilly coast.

At Monaco I seen a sculpture of the first racing cars used in this city.



There is still the Grand Prix race. This race is held every October on the Main Street next to the Harbour. You could see the track from on top of the hill.

We then walked up to the Palace. There was a guard at the door.


Up at the Palace I saw cannons and cannon balls.


At the top of the mountain you can see 3 countries, Monarco, France and Italy.

In the harbour there was lots of big boats. One boat had a helicopter on it.


By Finn
