Emergency Services

September 15, 2017 0 Comments

Emergency Services in Spain are like Australian Police, Fire and Ambilabce.

Today we saw firemen and the trucks were red and white in colour. The lights are blue green and red.

The Ambulance trucks are yellow and they work out of the Fire Station. In the big cities you often hear and see the ambulance with there sirens on. One night Paul and mum had to help a man that fainted and hit his head. The people in the cafe called an ambulance and Paul told them what had happened to the man and they took him to hospital.

The Policia are blue and white they have a small car it has 5 seats and they have a big van. The van has a mesh on the bonnet what they can flick up onto the wind screen so people don’t throw rocks. They have Local Police, National Police and the Civil Guard. In Santiago I had a photo with two local special operation policeman.

By Finn


September 13, 2017
September 16, 2017
