Spanish Agriculture

September 11, 2017 2 Comments

The Spanish like to farm!

They have crops of corn, sunflowers, wheat, maize, vineyards, orchards and lots more.


In the little villages the houses each have their own little veggie gardens. There are some community gardens to. In the veggie gardens are tomatoes, beans, capsicums, corn, lettuce. I saw a lady picking tomatoes. I saw another lady getting bags out of the grain storage shed. She got a bag of grain and then she got down the ladder.









There are also pine and eucalyptus plantations.


There are sawmills we road our bikes past.


There are dairy cows that they bring in to milk in the morning and afternoon.


Most houses in the villages have chickens in their backyards. There are lots of rosters. You can hear the rosters cock-a-do-da-loo as I rode through the towns.

I passed lots of vineyards as I rode my bike.


Through the middle of Spain there was lots of hay bails after harvest time. Some of the bails were round and some were square. Grace liked  climbing on top of them.

By Finn





September 9, 2017
September 13, 2017



  1. Reply

    Katie Bertram

    October 5, 2017

    You are writing really informative stories Finn. Well done! I hope dad is keeping up with you on your bike x Kate mick Jude and Olivia

  2. Reply

    Angus Mcgregor

    October 6, 2017

    Hello Finn I was just reading your blog.
    I hope you are enjoying your time in Spain. I was wondering what date you’re getting back? In the holidays I went down the coast we went on the tube it felt like it was going to tip over we went to the beach 🌊 and we played touch footy🏈. See you wen you get back 😉🙂
