
September 9, 2017 0 Comments

Pilgrims are people doing the Camino. You can walk or ride a bike. Today I saw a man walking and he has a tiny leaf covering his nose. The stem of the leaf was tucked under his glasses to keep it in place.

At a cafe stop today a man called Parscal came over to dad and said are you from Australia. Dad said  “yes I am”. Parscal said,  “I know Sheryl and Grace, we have been walking with them and they said you were coming on the Camino too.”

A lady from Holland had very sore feet. She was wearing black army boots. She had blisters on her feet. Mum helped her put a blister patch on.

A man was working with his dog. It was a tiny black dog. When he was riding his bike he dog was sitting in his backpack.

Two men passed us on our push bikes today. They were riding fast.



September 8, 2017
September 11, 2017
