Buen Camino

September 3, 2017 0 Comments

My first Camino day …

I woke this morning to a cat at my bed. The cat then followed me to the kitchen table and got on the table. I had a muffin and hot glass of milk for breakfast.

I then put my black recovery bag onto my bike. I put my helmet on and off we went.

I rode and mum walked quickly beside me. Paul and Penny took Grace in the pram. We went past a very old church. It has stork nests on top of it. The bells were very big.


The track today went beside the road. It was gravel and a fence next to it.


We went passed a sign that said Santiago was 298km away. That’s a long way.


We followed yellow arrows and picturss of shells. It was hot after lunch riding. Mum and I stopped under a tree to rest. We played eye spy.

When we came into our town we had to cross a very old bridge. It was 800 years old. Beside the bridge they did jousting. The men ride horses at each other and tried to hit the other rider off the horse. Every year in June they reinact this event. The town has streets made of cobbles.


By Finn

September 4, 2017
