Day 9 Lorca to Villamayor de Monjardin

August 14, 2017 0 Comments

We leave Lorca and head to Estalla to cross the medieval bridge.

We pass the Fuente del Vino and fill out shell to sample!

After lunch there is a steep accent till we arrived at the 13th C Fountain of the Moors. We sat here quietly for a long time, then some photos. Before leaving we sang one of Grace’s favourite songs Roar from Katy Perry!

Due to Grace being so hungry off to tiny supermarket to get some pasta & cheese. Tonight we ate at the bar as the private albergue had no meal options. Tonight we met Michael the Dutch Man at the bar. Unfortunately the time Michael arrived for dinner the town was in a black out. We offered our bread and remaining wine, however he was happy to eat cold chips and have a beer.

After dinner we sat and watched a local guys playing a ball against a squash wall.

Weather: warm
Albergue: Albergue Villamayor
