The little village of Entrevaux

October 14, 2017 0 Comments

Today we a got train from Nice up to the mountains. This town was called Entrevaux. My mum came here with her Aunty and Uncle a very long time ago.

The mountains were steep. There was a little river beside the rail track. The river water looked aqua colour.

It was a very round old village. It had a fort all the way around it.

There was a draw bridge. I had a hot chocolate at a cafe inside the fort.


We walked to a church.


The old citadel is on top of the hill. There was two large French flags.

There was cobble stone path zigging zagging up the mountain. I could see Dad and Paul waving from the top. Paul was easy to see he had a red t-shirt on.

On the way back the train was only 1 carriage. The train was old. Mum took us to see the toilet. You could look straight down and see the train track it was moving really quick. Mum took Grace to show her. Grace thought if she went to the toilet she might fall down the hole.

Mum took me to the front of the train. I could see the man driving the train and putting the brakes.

By Finn

October 14, 2017
October 16, 2017
