Dining Out

September 29, 2017 0 Comments

Bar, table and outdoor service!

In Spain (and Dad told me the rest of Europe) when you go to a Tapas Bar it costs extra money depending on where you sit.

The Bar is the cheapest, then seated at tables, then outdoor outdoor service. Each one costs a euro more. The prices are on the menu. Eating and drinking is a very social thing in Spain.

We have been doing lots of eating and drinking and staying up late, but we have an afternoon nap between 2-4pm like the Spanish people. It is called a Siesta. Dad took a photo of me having a siesta on a train.

I have eaten lots of tapas. Tapas are small samples of food served on little plates. The tapas I have eaten have had many different toppings calamari, chorizo, cheese and ham, prawns.

Sometimes when you order a drink it comes with some little snack you did not order like peanuts or chips. You do not need to pay for these.

In Portugal I had hot chocolates and portugese   tarts. They were yummy!


I have eaten lots pizza to.

By Finn

September 27, 2017
September 30, 2017
