Our bikes

September 17, 2017 0 Comments

My bike is red and black the brand is Giant. It has a bag on the handlebars. The bag is black and has 2 zippers. In the bag I keep a spare tyre tube, bike pump and I keep my kit kats in it. My bike has front and back breaks. It has seven gears to make it easier going up hill.



Dads bike is bigger and has front suspension. It has 21 gears, three at the front and seven at the rear. Bicycle in Spanish is bicicleta.


Dad started started in Burgos and he had to ride big days to catch us up. Dad rode across the Mesta the flat plains where Mum, Grace, Penny and Paul walked. Dad said it was very hot and his legs got burnt.


On day 2 of riding I got a flat tyre. Mum and Paul changed the tyre. Penny took photos and Grace played.










The path was sometimes dirt, or road or big rocks. Sometimes hot and somdays in the rain.

Still a long way to ride to the finish point at Santiago. That seemed a long way but mum said we can do that easy.


Mum would walk really fast and I would ride. Then we would rest in the shade.


When dad caught up I got to ride by bike faster. I followed dads bike. We had to ride around walking pilgrims on the path. Dad would call out so people could hear us coming passed.


By Finn


September 17, 2017
September 18, 2017
