
September 16, 2017 1 Comments

Today when I was riding through a town Dad showed me a Sundial.

The Sundial is used for telling the time. It is very old, it was built into the side of an old building in 1822 (it is almost 200 years old).

It has a metal rod with cut out circle at the end and the sun shines down the the metal rod casts a shadow on the numbers below.

As the sun moves during the day the shadow from the metal rod also moves to tell the new time.

It can tell the time between 7am and 5pm. Dad said it doesn’t work when it is cloudy or at nighttime. I checked Dads watch and the Sundial was telling the same time.

The town also rang the church bells on the hour to tell everyone in town what the time was.

When I get back home I’m going to make a Sundial in my backyard with Dad.


By Finn

September 15, 2017
September 16, 2017


1 Comment

  1. Reply

    Paul Taylor

    September 16, 2017

    Finn how cool a sundial so they know when opening and closing time at bank is