The church

September 5, 2017 1 Comments

I had weetbix for breakfast. Today I left Astorga and had to ride 21km to Rabanal. We came across a little church and the door was open. There was a garden out the front. This church had been used in the past for pilgrims that were dying.


Inside the church had book open above the blessed water bowl. I read the story in the book it was about a little boy that was stuck down a well. Grace put the holy water on us.


I got two stamps here from the lady for my credential book. I left a two coins in the donation bowl.

I then got back on my bike to ride some more.


By Finn

September 4, 2017
September 6, 2017


1 Comment

  1. Reply


    September 5, 2017

    So very proud of u Finn and Gracie, also your Mum and Dad love a Glor x x x x